lunes, 11 de enero de 2010

Lunch Time

Lunch time is quite interesting here. For starters, it's not actually lunch time--it's more like breakfast time. That's because "la comida", or what we would consider "lunch" is served after school gets out at 2:00. So at 10:00, when the school breaks for--well,--meal time, we generally eat breakfast tacos and drink coffee or juice.
It also struck me today that the teachers sit with the students when they eat. I didn't think anything of it until I realized that it's because there's no such thing here as "the teachers' lounge". And then, it made me wonder 'Why don't teachers eat with their students more often?' I understand needing a breather, but I think that perhaps one of the most refreshing ways to spend your break time is by being with your students outside of the classroom context, and allowing your students to see that you're not just a teacher, you're a person. Plus, students have so many interesting things to share at lunch that they never even mention in the classroom!

On a completely different note, when my fifth graders left the room today to go to recess, I smiled to myself and said "Man, I really love teaching!"

I think that's a good sign that I'm where God wants me.

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